
Loading the Web Page

The first step when web scraping is loading the web page and the necessary packages.

## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6      ✔ purrr   0.3.5 
## ✔ tibble  3.1.8      ✔ dplyr   1.0.10
## ✔ tidyr   1.2.1      ✔ stringr 1.4.1 
## ✔ readr   2.1.3      ✔ forcats 0.5.2 
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## Attaching package: 'rvest'
## The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
##     guess_encoding

url = ',2020-07-31&count=30'

wp_content <- read_html(url)

String Manipulation Reminder

## [1] 125
# it yields 125 as numeric
as.numeric(c("5.14", "2.84"))
## [1] 5.14 2.84
# it yields 5.14 2.84 as numeric
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
## [1] NA
# it yields NA instead of 1025. use readr:parse_number() instead

## [1] 1025
# it yields 1025 as numeric
parse_number(c("3km", "40 mins", "(+2.5)"))
## [1]  3.0 40.0  2.5
# it yields 3.0 40.0  2.5 as numeric

str_trim("  Remove whitespaces before and after                ")
## [1] "Remove whitespaces before and after"
# it yields "Remove whitespaces before and after"
str_replace_all("   Remove whitespaces before and after                "," ","")
## [1] "Removewhitespacesbeforeandafter"
# same as before, this can be used to remove "\n"

## [1] 10.5
as.numeric(c("14.59", "3.14", "55"))
## [1] 14.59  3.14 55.00
parse_number(c("14 min", "17,35", "(2012)", "1,2,3,4"))
## [1]   14 1735 2012 1234
str_trim(" Spaces before and after should disappear    ")
## [1] "Spaces before and after should disappear"

Setting down a strategy

  1. The blocks from one movie to another are similar; they probably use the same selectors. If we can understand a block structure, we’ll likely understand the overall structure.
  2. There are some missing values. Specially, the ratings and user votes are missing for some movies. Use the Browser Developer Tools to access the page’s code and identify this block.

Browse these codes to find the selectors of the elements. Then use the Selector Gadget tool to identify how many elements we can successfully capture, as well as any missing ones.

Extracting Elements from the Header

titles <- wp_content %>% 
  html_nodes('.lister-item-header a') %>% 

years <- wp_content %>% 
  html_nodes('.lister-item-year') %>% 
years <- parse_number(years)

Extracting the Movies’ Features

runtimes <- wp_content %>% 
  html_nodes('.runtime') %>% 
runtimes <- parse_number(runtimes)

genres <- wp_content %>% 
  html_nodes('.genre') %>% 
genres <- str_trim(genres)

Extracting the Movies’ Ratings

ratings <- wp_content %>% 
  html_nodes('strong') %>% 
ratings <- ratings[3:32]
ratings <- as.numeric(ratings)

metascores <- wp_content %>% 
  html_nodes('.metascore') %>% 
metascores <- as.numeric(metascores)

Extracting the Movies’ Votes

votes <- wp_content %>% 
  html_nodes('.sort-num_votes-visible span:nth-child(2)') %>% 
votes <- parse_number(votes)

Dealing with Missing Values

Inserting values into a vector is not a trivial operation, so it isn’t available in R. We’ve provided with the append_vector() function.

append_vector <- function(vector, inserted_indices, values){

  ## Creating the current indices of the vector
  vector_current_indices <- 1:length(vector)

  ## Adding small amount of values (between 0 and 0.9) to the `inserted_indices`
  new_inserted_indices <- inserted_indices + seq(0, 0.9, length.out = length(inserted_indices))

  ## Appending the `new_inserted_indices` to the current vector indices
  indices <- c(vector_current_indices, new_inserted_indices)

  ## Ordering the values according to the indices
  ordered_indices <- order(indices)

  ## Appending the new value to the existing vector
  new_vector <- c(vector, values)
  ## Ordering the new vector wrt the ordered indices

vector <- c("A", "B", "C", "E", "F", "G", "I", "J") # D and H are missing

# Inserting NA
append_vector(vector, c(3, 6), NA) 
##  [1] "A" "B" "C" NA  "E" "F" "G" NA  "I" "J"
# Inserting D and H
append_vector(vector, c(3, 6), c("D", "H"))
##  [1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J"

Adding missing values and create the table

Creating a dataframe with the data we previously extracted: titles, years, runtimes, genres, user ratings, metascores, and votes. Keeping only the integer part of the user ratings using the floor() function. For example, 3.4 becomes 3.

metascores <- append_vector(metascores, c(19, 26, 27), c(NA, NA, NA))
movie_df <- tibble::tibble("title" = titles, 
                           "year" = years, 
                           "runtime" = runtimes, 
                           "genre" = genres, 
                           "rating" = floor(ratings), 
                           "metascore" = metascores,
                           "vote" = votes)
ggplot(data = movie_df,
       aes(x = rating, y = vote, group = rating)) +

We determine that the lowest- and highest-rated films have the lowest and highest votes. There is also a linear correlation between the ratings and votes, on average.

Correlation between vote and rating

correlation <- movie_df %>%
  select(vote, rating) %>% 
  cor(use= 'pairwise.complete.obs') 

##             vote    rating
## vote   1.0000000 0.2675205
## rating 0.2675205 1.0000000