
Jeopardy is a popular TV show in the US where participants answer trivia to win money. Participants are given a set of categories to choose from and a set of questions that increase in difficulty. As the questions get more difficult, the participant can earn more money for answering correctly.

In June 2019, contestant James Holzhauer ended a 32-game winning streak, just barely missing the record for highest winnings. James Holzhauer dedicated hours of effort to optimizing what he did during a game to maximize how much money he earned. To achieve what he did, James had to learn and master the vast amount of trivia that Jeopardy can throw at the contestants.

Let’s say we want to compete on Jeopardy like James. As he did, we’ll have to familiarize ourselves with an enormous amount of trivia to be competitive. Given the vastness of the task, is there a way that we can somehow simplify our studies and prioritize topics that appear more often in Jeopardy? In this project, we’ll work with a dataset of Jeopardy questions to figure out some patterns in the questions that could help us win.

## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6      ✔ purrr   0.3.5 
## ✔ tibble  3.1.8      ✔ dplyr   1.0.10
## ✔ tidyr   1.2.1      ✔ stringr 1.4.1 
## ✔ readr   2.1.3      ✔ forcats 0.5.2 
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Data Import

jeopardy = read_csv("jeopardy.csv")
## Rows: 19999 Columns: 7
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr  (5): Round, Category, Value, Question, Answer
## dbl  (1): Show Number
## date (1): Air Date
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   `Show Number` `Air Date` Round     Category               Value Quest…¹ Answer
##           <dbl> <date>     <chr>     <chr>                  <chr> <chr>   <chr> 
## 1          4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! HISTORY                $200  "For t… Coper…
## 2          4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! ESPN's TOP 10 ALL-TIM… $200  "No. 2… Jim T…
## 3          4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! EVERYBODY TALKS ABOUT… $200  "The c… Arizo…
## 4          4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! THE COMPANY LINE       $200  "In 19… McDon…
## 5          4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! EPITAPHS & TRIBUTES    $200  "Signe… John …
## 6          4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! 3-LETTER WORDS         $200  "In th… the a…
## # … with abbreviated variable name ¹​Question
## [1] "Show Number" "Air Date"    "Round"       "Category"    "Value"      
## [6] "Question"    "Answer"
# the clean_names() function from the janitor package would have been great here too
colnames(jeopardy) = c("show_number", "air_date", "round", "category", "value", "question", "answer")
sapply(jeopardy, typeof)
## show_number    air_date       round    category       value    question 
##    "double"    "double" "character" "character" "character" "character" 
##      answer 
## "character"

Fixing Data Types

The value column actually incorporates a dollar sign and uses the value None in places where the question came from a Final Jeopardy, the last question of every episode. The presence of these factors causes R to convert this column to a character instead of a numerical one. For our later analysis, we’ll need the value column to be numeric, so we should do this now.

##  [1] "$200"    "$400"    "$600"    "$800"    "$2,000"  "$1000"   "$1200"  
##  [8] "$1600"   "$2000"   "$3,200"  "None"    "$5,000"  "$100"    "$300"   
## [15] "$500"    "$1,000"  "$1,500"  "$1,200"  "$4,800"  "$1,800"  "$1,100" 
## [22] "$2,200"  "$3,400"  "$3,000"  "$4,000"  "$1,600"  "$6,800"  "$1,900" 
## [29] "$3,100"  "$700"    "$1,400"  "$2,800"  "$8,000"  "$6,000"  "$2,400" 
## [36] "$12,000" "$3,800"  "$2,500"  "$6,200"  "$10,000" "$7,000"  "$1,492" 
## [43] "$7,400"  "$1,300"  "$7,200"  "$2,600"  "$3,300"  "$5,400"  "$4,500" 
## [50] "$2,100"  "$900"    "$3,600"  "$2,127"  "$367"    "$4,400"  "$3,500" 
## [57] "$2,900"  "$3,900"  "$4,100"  "$4,600"  "$10,800" "$2,300"  "$5,600" 
## [64] "$1,111"  "$8,200"  "$5,800"  "$750"    "$7,500"  "$1,700"  "$9,000" 
## [71] "$6,100"  "$1,020"  "$4,700"  "$2,021"  "$5,200"  "$3,389"
# Removing Nones, cleaning the text, and converting everything into numeric
jeopardy = jeopardy %>% 
  filter(value != "None") %>% 
    value = str_replace_all(value, "[$,]", ""),
    value = as.numeric(value)
##  [1]   200   400   600   800  2000  1000  1200  1600  3200  5000   100   300
## [13]   500  1500  4800  1800  1100  2200  3400  3000  4000  6800  1900  3100
## [25]   700  1400  2800  8000  6000  2400 12000  3800  2500  6200 10000  7000
## [37]  1492  7400  1300  7200  2600  3300  5400  4500  2100   900  3600  2127
## [49]   367  4400  3500  2900  3900  4100  4600 10800  2300  5600  1111  8200
## [61]  5800   750  7500  1700  9000  6100  1020  4700  2021  5200  3389

Normalizing Text

One messy aspect about the Jeopardy dataset is that it contains text. Text can contain punctuation and different capitalization, which will make it hard for us to compare the text of an answer to the text of a question. We would like to make this process easier for ourselves, so we’ll need to process the text data in this step. The process of cleaning text in data analysis is sometimes called normalization. More specifically, we want ensure that we lowercase all of the words and any remove punctuation. We remove punctuation because it ensures that the text stays as purely letters. Before normalization, the terms Don’t and don’t are considered to be different words, and we don’t want this. For this step, normalize the question, answer, and category columns.

## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   show_number air_date   round     category                 value quest…¹ answer
##         <dbl> <date>     <chr>     <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>   <chr> 
## 1        4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! HISTORY                    200 "For t… Coper…
## 2        4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! ESPN's TOP 10 ALL-TIME …   200 "No. 2… Jim T…
## 3        4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! EVERYBODY TALKS ABOUT I…   200 "The c… Arizo…
## 4        4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! THE COMPANY LINE           200 "In 19… McDon…
## 5        4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! EPITAPHS & TRIBUTES        200 "Signe… John …
## 6        4680 2004-12-31 Jeopardy! 3-LETTER WORDS             200 "In th… the a…
## # … with abbreviated variable name ¹​question
# The stringr library is automatically brought in when tidyverse is brought in
# Notice how there is a space in the regular expression
jeopardy = jeopardy %>% 
    question = tolower(question),
    question = str_replace_all(question, "[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", ""),
    answer = tolower(answer),
    answer = str_replace_all(answer, "[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", ""),
    category = tolower(category),
    category = str_replace_all(category, "[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "")

Making Dates More Accessible

In our last data cleaning step, we need to address the air_date column. Like value’s original type, air_date is a character. Ideally we would want to separate this column into a year, month and day column to make filtering easier in the future. Furthermore, we would also want each of these new date columns to be numeric to make comparison easier as well.

jeopardy = jeopardy %>% 
  separate(., air_date, into = c("year", "month", "day"), sep = "-") %>% 
    year = as.numeric(year),
    month = as.numeric(month),
    day = as.numeric(day)

Focusing On Particular Subject Areas

We are now in a place where we can properly ask questions from the data and perform meaningful hypothesis tests on it. Given the near infinite amount of questions that can be asked in Jeopardy, you wonder if any particular subject area has increased relevance in the dataset. Many people seem to think that science and history facts are the most common categories to appear in Jeopardy episodes. Others feel that Shakespeare questions gets an awful lot of attention from Jeopardy.

With the chi-squared test, we can actually test these hypotheses! For this exercise, let’s assess if science, history and Shakespeare have a higher prevalence in the data set. First, we need to develop our null hypotheses. There are around 3369 unique categories in the Jeopardy data set after doing all of our cleaning. If we suppose that no category stood out, we would expect that the probability of picking a random category would be the same no matter what category you picked. This comes out to be \(1/3369\). This would also mean that the probability of not picking a particular category would be \(3368/3369\). When we first learned the chisq.test() function when testing for the number of males and females in the Census data, we assumed that their proportion would be equal — that there would be a 50-50 split between them. The chisq.test() automatically assumes this of the data you provide it, but we can also specify what these proportions should be using the p argument.

n_questions = nrow(jeopardy)
p_category_expected = 1/3369 
p_not_category_expected = 3368/3369 
categories = pull(jeopardy, category)
n_science_categories = 0
# Count how many times the word science appears in the categories
for (c in categories) {
  if ("science" %in% c) {
    n_science_categories = n_science_categories + 1
science_obs = c(n_science_categories, n_questions - n_science_categories)
p_expected = c(1/3369, 3368/3369)
chisq.test(science_obs, p = p_expected)
##  Chi-squared test for given probabilities
## data:  science_obs
## X-squared = 145.77, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
n_history_categories = 0
# Count how many times the word science appears in the categories
for (c in categories) {
  if ("history" %in% c) {
    n_history_categories = n_history_categories + 1
history_obs = c(n_history_categories, n_questions - n_history_categories)
p_expected = c(1/3369, 3368/3369)
chisq.test(history_obs, p = p_expected)
##  Chi-squared test for given probabilities
## data:  history_obs
## X-squared = 200.04, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
n_shakespeare_categories = 0
# Count how many times the word science appears in the categories
for (c in categories) {
  if ("shakespeare" %in% c) {
    n_shakespeare_categories = n_shakespeare_categories + 1
shakespeare_obs = c(n_shakespeare_categories, n_questions - n_shakespeare_categories)
p_expected = c(1/3369, 3368/3369)
chisq.test(shakespeare_obs, p = p_expected)
##  Chi-squared test for given probabilities
## data:  shakespeare_obs
## X-squared = 34.381, df = 1, p-value = 4.53e-09

We see p-values less than 0.05 for each of the hypothesis tests. From this, we would conclude that we should reject the null hypothesis that science doesn’t have a higher prevalence than other topics in the Jeopardy data. We would conclude the same with history and Shakespeare.

Unique Terms in Questions

Let’s say we want to investigate how often new questions are repeats of older ones. To start on this process, we can do the following:

  1. Sort jeopardy in order of ascending air date.
  2. Initialize an empty vector to store all the unique terms that are in the Jeopardy questions.
  3. For each row, split the value for question into distinct words, remove any word shorter than 6 characters, and check if each word occurs in terms_used.
# Pull just the questions from the jeopardy data
questions = pull(jeopardy, question)
terms_used = character(0)
for (q in questions) {
  # Split the sentence into distinct words
  split_sentence = str_split(q, " ")[[1]]
  # Check if each word is longer than 6 and if it's currently in terms_used
  for (term in split_sentence) {
    if (!term %in% terms_used & nchar(term) >= 6) {
      terms_used = c(terms_used, term)

Terms In Low and High Value Questions

Let’s say we only want to study terms that have high values associated with it rather than low values. This optimization will help us earn more money when we’re on Jeopardy while reducing the number of questions we have to study. To do this, we need to count how many high value and low value questions are associated with each term. We’ll define low and high values as follows:


For each category, we can see that under this definition that for every 2 high value questions, there are 3 low value questions. Once we count the number of low and high value questions that appear for each term, we can use this information to our advantage. If the number of high and low value questions is appreciably different from the 2:3 ratio, we would have reason to believe that a term would be more prevalent in either the low or high value questions. We can use the chi-squared test to test the null hypothesis that each term is not distributed more to either high or low value questions.

To do this, we need:

  1. Create an empty dataset that we can add more rows to
  2. Iterate through all the different terms in terms_used.
  3. For each term:
# Going only through the first 20 terms for shortness
# But you can remove the indexing to perform this code on all the terms
values = pull(jeopardy, value)
value_count_data = NULL
for (term in terms_used[1:20]) {
  n_high_value = 0
  n_low_value = 0
  for (i in 1:length(questions)) {
    # Split the sentence into a new vector
    split_sentence = str_split(questions[i], " ")[[1]]
    # Detect if the term is in the question and its value status
    if (term %in% split_sentence & values[i] >= 800) {
      n_high_value = n_high_value + 1
    } else if (term %in% split_sentence & values[i] < 800) { 
      n_low_value = n_low_value + 1
  # Testing if the counts for high and low value questions deviates from what we expect
  test = chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5))
  new_row = c(term, n_high_value, n_low_value, test$p.value)
  # Append this new row to our
  value_count_data = rbind(value_count_data, new_row)
## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect

## Warning in chisq.test(c(n_high_value, n_low_value), p = c(2/5, 3/5)): Chi-
## squared approximation may be incorrect
# Take the value count data and put it in a better format
tidy_value_count_data = as_tibble(value_count_data)
## Warning: The `x` argument of `as_tibble.matrix()` must have unique column names if
## `.name_repair` is omitted as of tibble 2.0.0.
## ℹ Using compatibility `.name_repair`.
colnames(tidy_value_count_data) = c("term", "n_high", "n_low", "p_value")
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   term      n_high n_low p_value          
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr> <chr>            
## 1 galileo   1      4     0.361310428526179
## 2 arrest    3      2     0.361310428526179
## 3 espousing 0      1     0.414216178242525
## 4 theory    12     13    0.414216178242525
## 5 olympian  0      2     0.248213078989924
## 6 football  19     27    0.856698213439322

We can see from the output that some of the values are less than 5. Recall that the chi-squared test is prone to errors when the counts in each of the cells are less than 5. We may need to discard these terms and only look at terms where both counts are greater than 5.

From the 20 terms that we looked at, it seems that the term “indian” is more associated with high value questions. Interesting!

Next steps

Here are some potential next steps: