In this project we'll work with a dataset of used cars from eBay Kleinanzeigen, a classifieds section of the German eBay website. The aim of this project is to clean the data and analyse the included used car listings.
We will start to use pandas
and become familiar with some of the unique benefits jupyter noteboook provides.
We'll start by importing the libraries we need and reading the dataset into pandas.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
autos = pd.read_csv('autos.csv', encoding = 'Latin-1')
dateCrawled | name | seller | offerType | price | abtest | vehicleType | yearOfRegistration | gearbox | powerPS | model | kilometer | monthOfRegistration | fuelType | brand | notRepairedDamage | dateCreated | nrOfPictures | postalCode | lastSeen | |
0 | 2016-03-24 11:52:17 | Golf_3_1.6 | privat | Angebot | 480 | test | NaN | 1993 | manuell | 0 | golf | 150000 | 0 | benzin | volkswagen | NaN | 2016-03-24 00:00:00 | 0 | 70435 | 2016-04-07 03:16:57 |
1 | 2016-03-24 10:58:45 | A5_Sportback_2.7_Tdi | privat | Angebot | 18300 | test | coupe | 2011 | manuell | 190 | NaN | 125000 | 5 | diesel | audi | ja | 2016-03-24 00:00:00 | 0 | 66954 | 2016-04-07 01:46:50 |
2 | 2016-03-14 12:52:21 | Jeep_Grand_Cherokee_"Overland" | privat | Angebot | 9800 | test | suv | 2004 | automatik | 163 | grand | 125000 | 8 | diesel | jeep | NaN | 2016-03-14 00:00:00 | 0 | 90480 | 2016-04-05 12:47:46 |
3 | 2016-03-17 16:54:04 | GOLF_4_1_4__3TÜRER | privat | Angebot | 1500 | test | kleinwagen | 2001 | manuell | 75 | golf | 150000 | 6 | benzin | volkswagen | nein | 2016-03-17 00:00:00 | 0 | 91074 | 2016-03-17 17:40:17 |
4 | 2016-03-31 17:25:20 | Skoda_Fabia_1.4_TDI_PD_Classic | privat | Angebot | 3600 | test | kleinwagen | 2008 | manuell | 69 | fabia | 90000 | 7 | diesel | skoda | nein | 2016-03-31 00:00:00 | 0 | 60437 | 2016-04-06 10:17:21 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 371528 entries, 0 to 371527 Data columns (total 20 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 dateCrawled 371528 non-null object 1 name 371528 non-null object 2 seller 371528 non-null object 3 offerType 371528 non-null object 4 price 371528 non-null int64 5 abtest 371528 non-null object 6 vehicleType 333659 non-null object 7 yearOfRegistration 371528 non-null int64 8 gearbox 351319 non-null object 9 powerPS 371528 non-null int64 10 model 351044 non-null object 11 kilometer 371528 non-null int64 12 monthOfRegistration 371528 non-null int64 13 fuelType 338142 non-null object 14 brand 371528 non-null object 15 notRepairedDamage 299468 non-null object 16 dateCreated 371528 non-null object 17 nrOfPictures 371528 non-null int64 18 postalCode 371528 non-null int64 19 lastSeen 371528 non-null object dtypes: int64(7), object(13) memory usage: 56.7+ MB
From what we know of the DataFrame so far, we can make the following observations:
Let's convert the column names from camelcase to snakecase and reword some of the column names to be more descriptive.
Index(['dateCrawled', 'name', 'seller', 'offerType', 'price', 'abtest', 'vehicleType', 'yearOfRegistration', 'gearbox', 'powerPS', 'model', 'kilometer', 'monthOfRegistration', 'fuelType', 'brand', 'notRepairedDamage', 'dateCreated', 'nrOfPictures', 'postalCode', 'lastSeen'], dtype='object')
def cleaned_cols(col):
col = col.replace('yearOfRegistration','registration_year')
col = col.replace('monthOfRegistration','registration_month')
col = col.replace('notRepairedDamage','unrepaired_damage')
col = col.replace('dateCreated','ad_created')
# Change the rest of the column names from camelcase to snakecase
col = re.sub( r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', col ).lower()
return col
autos.columns = [cleaned_cols(c) for c in autos.columns]
Index(['date_crawled', 'name', 'seller', 'offer_type', 'price', 'abtest', 'vehicle_type', 'registration_year', 'gearbox', 'power_p_s', 'model', 'kilometer', 'registration_month', 'fuel_type', 'brand', 'unrepaired_damage', 'ad_created', 'nr_of_pictures', 'postal_code', 'last_seen'], dtype='object')
# Basic data exploration to see what other cleaning tasks need to be done
autos.describe(include = 'all')
date_crawled | name | seller | offer_type | price | abtest | vehicle_type | registration_year | gearbox | power_p_s | model | kilometer | registration_month | fuel_type | brand | unrepaired_damage | ad_created | nr_of_pictures | postal_code | last_seen | |
count | 371528 | 371528 | 371528 | 371528 | 3.715280e+05 | 371528 | 333659 | 371528.000000 | 351319 | 371528.000000 | 351044 | 371528.000000 | 371528.000000 | 338142 | 371528 | 299468 | 371528 | 371528.0 | 371528.00000 | 371528 |
unique | 280500 | 233531 | 2 | 2 | NaN | 2 | 8 | NaN | 2 | NaN | 251 | NaN | NaN | 7 | 40 | 2 | 114 | NaN | NaN | 182806 |
top | 2016-03-24 14:49:47 | Ford_Fiesta | privat | Angebot | NaN | test | limousine | NaN | manuell | NaN | golf | NaN | NaN | benzin | volkswagen | nein | 2016-04-03 00:00:00 | NaN | NaN | 2016-04-07 06:45:59 |
freq | 7 | 657 | 371525 | 371516 | NaN | 192585 | 95894 | NaN | 274214 | NaN | 30070 | NaN | NaN | 223857 | 79640 | 263182 | 14450 | NaN | NaN | 17 |
mean | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.729514e+04 | NaN | NaN | 2004.577997 | NaN | 115.549477 | NaN | 125618.688228 | 5.734445 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 50820.66764 | NaN |
std | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 3.587954e+06 | NaN | NaN | 92.866598 | NaN | 192.139578 | NaN | 40112.337051 | 3.712412 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 25799.08247 | NaN |
min | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.000000e+00 | NaN | NaN | 1000.000000 | NaN | 0.000000 | NaN | 5000.000000 | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 1067.00000 | NaN |
25% | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.150000e+03 | NaN | NaN | 1999.000000 | NaN | 70.000000 | NaN | 125000.000000 | 3.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 30459.00000 | NaN |
50% | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.950000e+03 | NaN | NaN | 2003.000000 | NaN | 105.000000 | NaN | 150000.000000 | 6.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 49610.00000 | NaN |
75% | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 7.200000e+03 | NaN | NaN | 2008.000000 | NaN | 150.000000 | NaN | 150000.000000 | 9.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 71546.00000 | NaN |
max | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.147484e+09 | NaN | NaN | 9999.000000 | NaN | 20000.000000 | NaN | 150000.000000 | 12.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0.0 | 99998.00000 | NaN |
From the descriptive statistics table above, there are a number of things worth noting:
We can also see from previewing the data that the price and kilometer columns are numeric values stored as text so we'll deal with these columns first by:
0 480 1 18300 2 9800 3 1500 4 3600 Name: price, dtype: int64
# def convert_price(column):
# if pd.isnull(column) == True:
# return None
# else:
# string = column.split(' ')[0]
# string = string.replace('$','')
# string = string.replace(',','')
# return int(string)
# price = autos['price'].apply(convert_price)
# autos['price'] = price
0 480 1 18300 2 9800 3 1500 4 3600 Name: price, dtype: int64
0 150000 1 125000 2 125000 3 150000 4 90000 Name: kilometer, dtype: int64
#def convert_odometer(column):
# if pd.isnull(column) == True:
# return None
# else:
# string = column.split(' ')[0]
# string = string.replace(',','')
# string = string.replace('km','')
# return int(string)
#odometer = autos['kilometer'].apply(convert_odometer)
#autos['kilometer'] = odometer
0 150000 1 125000 2 125000 3 150000 4 90000 Name: kilometer, dtype: int64
# Now we drop the rows that won't be required for any analyis
autos = autos.drop(["nr_of_pictures", "seller", "offer_type"], axis=1)
Let's continue exploring the data, specifically looking for data that doesn't look right. We'll start by analyzing the kilometer
and price columns.
(13,) count 371528.000000 mean 125618.688228 std 40112.337051 min 5000.000000 25% 125000.000000 50% 150000.000000 75% 150000.000000 max 150000.000000 Name: kilometer, dtype: float64 150000 240797 125000 38067 100000 15920 90000 12523 80000 11053 70000 9773 60000 8669 50000 7615 5000 7069 40000 6376 30000 6041 20000 5676 10000 1949 Name: kilometer, dtype: int64
There are 13 unique rows of data for the kilometer
column. From our obseration we can clearly see that the kilometer reading tends to be on the higher side for cars in this dataset. There doesnt seem to be any unrealistically high or low outliers from this column.
(5597,) count 3.715280e+05 mean 1.729514e+04 std 3.587954e+06 min 0.000000e+00 25% 1.150000e+03 50% 2.950000e+03 75% 7.200000e+03 max 2.147484e+09 Name: price, dtype: float64 0 10778 500 5670 1500 5394 1000 4649 1200 4594 2500 4438 600 3819 3500 3792 800 3784 2000 3432 999 3364 750 3203 650 3150 4500 3053 850 2946 Name: price, dtype: int64
We can see that there are 10778 rows of cars with a price of 0, which seems unlikely. We will need to further examine the higher prices of this column
autos['price'].value_counts().sort_index(ascending = False).head(15)
2147483647 1 99999999 15 99000000 1 74185296 1 32545461 1 27322222 1 14000500 1 12345678 9 11111111 10 10010011 1 10000000 8 9999999 3 3895000 1 3890000 1 2995000 1 Name: price, dtype: int64
autos['price'].value_counts().sort_index(ascending = True).head(15)
0 10778 1 1189 2 12 3 8 4 1 5 26 7 3 8 9 9 8 10 84 11 5 12 8 13 7 14 5 15 27 Name: price, dtype: int64
When looking at the high price range for the column we can see that there is a significant jump up from 350,000 to 999,990 when compared to the steady increase in prices before it. Therefore it is safe to remove any data that is greater than $350,000.
We can also see that there are a number of prices below 18. It would be safe to keep the 1 prices in our DataFrame as we know eBay is an auction site and there can be starting bids of $1.
autos = autos[autos['price'].between(1, 350000)]
count 360635.000000 mean 5898.671956 std 8866.359669 min 1.000000 25% 1250.000000 50% 3000.000000 75% 7490.000000 max 350000.000000 Name: price, dtype: float64
There are a number of columns that represent date values:
In the DataFrame date_crawled, last_seen and ad_created are columns that are all represented by strings. These will need to be converted to numeric representation so we can analyse it. The registration_month and registration_year columns are already represented as numeric values.
First let's see how the values in these three string columns are formatted.
date_crawled | ad_created | last_seen | |
0 | 2016-03-24 11:52:17 | 2016-03-24 00:00:00 | 2016-04-07 03:16:57 |
1 | 2016-03-24 10:58:45 | 2016-03-24 00:00:00 | 2016-04-07 01:46:50 |
2 | 2016-03-14 12:52:21 | 2016-03-14 00:00:00 | 2016-04-05 12:47:46 |
3 | 2016-03-17 16:54:04 | 2016-03-17 00:00:00 | 2016-03-17 17:40:17 |
4 | 2016-03-31 17:25:20 | 2016-03-31 00:00:00 | 2016-04-06 10:17:21 |
# We are just looking for the dates so we'll take the first 10 characters in each column
.value_counts(normalize = True, dropna = False)
2016-03-05 0.025547 2016-03-06 0.014483 2016-03-07 0.035657 2016-03-08 0.033469 2016-03-09 0.034115 2016-03-10 0.032645 2016-03-11 0.032773 2016-03-12 0.036242 2016-03-13 0.015783 2016-03-14 0.036330 2016-03-15 0.033424 2016-03-16 0.030205 2016-03-17 0.031647 2016-03-18 0.013119 2016-03-19 0.035271 2016-03-20 0.036400 2016-03-21 0.035682 2016-03-22 0.032493 2016-03-23 0.032002 2016-03-24 0.029914 2016-03-25 0.032800 2016-03-26 0.031974 2016-03-27 0.030227 2016-03-28 0.035063 2016-03-29 0.034126 2016-03-30 0.033535 2016-03-31 0.031872 2016-04-01 0.034145 2016-04-02 0.035094 2016-04-03 0.038812 2016-04-04 0.037628 2016-04-05 0.012780 2016-04-06 0.003128 2016-04-07 0.001617 Name: date_crawled, dtype: float64
We can see that there is uniformity in the distribution of the listings crawled daily.
.value_counts(normalize = True, dropna = False)
2014-03-10 0.000003 2015-03-20 0.000003 2015-06-11 0.000003 2015-06-18 0.000003 2015-08-07 0.000003 ... 2016-04-03 0.039001 2016-04-04 0.037736 2016-04-05 0.011613 2016-04-06 0.003119 2016-04-07 0.001553 Name: ad_created, Length: 114, dtype: float64
We can see the majority of the ads created was within a similar time frame as the crawling dates. The lower frequency of ads created prior to these dates are understandable as once the sales have been completed, the ads can be delisted and won't appear on the website prior to the dates recorded by the crawler
.value_counts(normalize=True, dropna=False)
2016-03-05 0.001292 2016-03-06 0.004134 2016-03-07 0.005262 2016-03-18 0.006931 2016-03-08 0.008056 2016-03-13 0.008489 2016-03-09 0.009994 2016-03-10 0.011563 2016-03-14 0.012301 2016-03-11 0.013046 2016-03-26 0.016160 2016-03-19 0.016314 2016-03-15 0.016411 2016-03-16 0.016419 2016-03-27 0.016909 2016-03-23 0.018149 2016-03-25 0.019097 2016-03-24 0.019237 2016-03-20 0.019915 2016-03-21 0.020136 2016-03-22 0.020607 2016-03-28 0.022273 2016-03-29 0.023312 2016-03-12 0.023401 2016-03-30 0.023856 2016-04-01 0.024022 2016-03-31 0.024238 2016-04-02 0.025016 2016-04-03 0.025366 2016-04-04 0.025654 2016-03-17 0.028760 2016-04-05 0.126206 2016-04-07 0.129648 2016-04-06 0.217830 Name: last_seen, dtype: float64
There is a spike seen in the distribution for the last three days for the 'last_seen' column. This last_seen column tells us of when an ad has been delisted from the site, most likely due to a sale. This high distribution observed during the last 3 days of the crawler recording is most likely not due to a drastic increase in sales as the days prior to these had a roughly similar distribution.
As we previously mentioned, there are rows in the registration_year column that are incorrect such as the minimum value of 1000, before cars were invented, and a maximum value of 9999, many years in the future.
We can safely remove any rows with registration years greater than 2016 as this will be definitely inaccurate. To determine the earliest period for the registration of the car is difficult as it could be anywhere during the beginning of the 20th century. To be on the safe side we can see what percentage of vehicles hav registration years outside of 1900 to 2016 and determine if it is a significant number.
(autos['registration_year'].between(1900,2016)).sum() / autos.shape[0]
We will continue with these two limits and remove the rows outside as the rows outside of them account for less than 4% of the data
autos = autos[autos['registration_year'].between(1900, 2016)]
autos['registration_year'].value_counts(normalize = True).head(10)
2000 0.066699 1999 0.063552 2005 0.062669 2006 0.057708 2001 0.056955 2003 0.056557 2004 0.056173 2002 0.054290 2007 0.050499 1998 0.049691 Name: registration_year, dtype: float64
We can see that the majority of cars listed in this data were registered in the last 20 years.
Now we'll explore the price of the cars on offer by their brands.
autos['brand'].value_counts(normalize = True)
volkswagen 0.211700 bmw 0.109871 opel 0.106410 mercedes_benz 0.096841 audi 0.089543 ford 0.068918 renault 0.047516 peugeot 0.030153 fiat 0.025691 seat 0.018661 skoda 0.015687 mazda 0.015384 smart 0.014331 citroen 0.013950 nissan 0.013598 toyota 0.012932 hyundai 0.009972 sonstige_autos 0.009493 mini 0.009384 volvo 0.009147 mitsubishi 0.008236 honda 0.007532 kia 0.006915 suzuki 0.006364 alfa_romeo 0.006309 porsche 0.006211 chevrolet 0.005022 chrysler 0.003863 dacia 0.002495 jeep 0.002192 land_rover 0.002166 daihatsu 0.002161 subaru 0.002117 jaguar 0.001734 saab 0.001465 daewoo 0.001457 trabant 0.001408 lancia 0.001301 rover 0.001272 lada 0.000597 Name: brand, dtype: float64
German manufacturers make up the top 5 brands for the cars in the sales data with Volkswagen being the most popular, with approximately double the cars than the next two manufacturers combined.
We'll limit our analysis to brands that make up more than 5% of the total sales data.
brands = autos['brand'].value_counts(normalize = True)
most_common_brands = brands[brands > 0.05].index
Index(['volkswagen', 'bmw', 'opel', 'mercedes_benz', 'audi', 'ford'], dtype='object')
brands_mean_price = {}
for brands in most_common_brands:
brand_only = autos[autos['brand'] == brands]
mean_price = brand_only['price'].mean()
brands_mean_price[brands] = int(mean_price)
{'volkswagen': 14533, 'bmw': 14844, 'opel': 3223, 'mercedes_benz': 17244, 'audi': 15868, 'ford': 8462}
We can see that there is a price gap between the top 5 brands in the sales data. We can see that cars manufactured by Audi, BMW and Mercedes Benz tend to be priced higher than the competitors. Opel is the least expensive of the top 5 brands while Volkswagen is in between. This could be one of the reasons for the popularity of Volkswagen cars.
We can use a similar method to obtain the average mileage for those cars and then see if there's any link with the mean price. We'll combine both these series objects into a single dataframe, with a shared index, so we can easily compare the two.
brand_mean_mileage = {}
for brands in most_common_brands:
brand_only = autos[autos['brand'] == brands]
mean_mileage = brand_only['kilometer'].mean()
brand_mean_mileage[brands] = int(mean_mileage)
{'volkswagen': 128575, 'bmw': 132763, 'opel': 128906, 'mercedes_benz': 130664, 'audi': 129717, 'ford': 123839}
mean_mileage = pd.Series(brand_mean_mileage).sort_values(ascending = False)
mean_price = pd.Series(brands_mean_price).sort_values(ascending = False)
top_brand_info = pd.DataFrame(mean_mileage, columns = ['mean_mileage'])
mean_mileage | |
bmw | 132763 |
mercedes_benz | 130664 |
audi | 129717 |
opel | 128906 |
volkswagen | 128575 |
ford | 123839 |
top_brand_info['mean_price'] = mean_price
mean_mileage | mean_price | |
bmw | 132800 | 8449 |
mercedes_benz | 130572 | 8551 |
audi | 129443 | 9086 |
opel | 128722 | 2971 |
volkswagen | 128386 | 5400 |
ford | 123662 | 3696 |
We can see that the car mileage doesn't vary as much as the prices. We can see that the more expensive brands generally tend to have higher mileage with the only outlier being Opel.
Let's continue to clean up the data. To do this we'll indentify the categorical data that uses german words and translate and map the values to thir english counterparts.
manuell 257012 automatik 73725 Name: gearbox, dtype: int64
nein 252767 ja 33188 Name: unrepaired_damage, dtype: int64
benzin 212127 diesel 103815 lpg 5090 cng 539 hybrid 265 andere 167 elektro 101 Name: fuel_type, dtype: int64
limousine 93826 kleinwagen 78200 kombi 66085 bus 29764 cabrio 22550 coupe 18447 suv 14499 andere 3150 Name: vehicle_type, dtype: int64
gearbox = {
'manuell': 'manual',
'automatik': 'automatic'
unrepaired_damage = {
'nein': 'no',
'ja': 'yes'
autos['gearbox'] = autos['gearbox'].map(gearbox)
autos['unrepaired_damage'] = autos['unrepaired_damage'].map(unrepaired_damage)
autos['fuel_type'] = autos['fuel_type'].replace(['benzin', 'elektro', 'andere'], ['gasoline', 'electric', 'other'])
autos['vehicle_type'] = autos['vehicle_type'].replace(['limousine', 'kleinwagen', 'kombi', 'cabrio', 'andere'], ['sedan', 'small car', 'stationwagen', 'convertible', 'other'])
autos['model'] = autos['model'].replace('andere', 'other')
date_crawled | name | price | abtest | vehicle_type | registration_year | gearbox | power_p_s | model | kilometer | registration_month | fuel_type | brand | unrepaired_damage | ad_created | postal_code | last_seen | |
0 | 2016-03-24 11:52:17 | Golf_3_1.6 | 480 | test | NaN | 1993 | manual | 0 | golf | 150000 | 0 | gasoline | volkswagen | NaN | 2016-03-24 00:00:00 | 70435 | 2016-04-07 03:16:57 |
1 | 2016-03-24 10:58:45 | A5_Sportback_2.7_Tdi | 18300 | test | coupe | 2011 | manual | 190 | NaN | 125000 | 5 | diesel | audi | yes | 2016-03-24 00:00:00 | 66954 | 2016-04-07 01:46:50 |
2 | 2016-03-14 12:52:21 | Jeep_Grand_Cherokee_"Overland" | 9800 | test | suv | 2004 | automatic | 163 | grand | 125000 | 8 | diesel | jeep | NaN | 2016-03-14 00:00:00 | 90480 | 2016-04-05 12:47:46 |
3 | 2016-03-17 16:54:04 | GOLF_4_1_4__3TÜRER | 1500 | test | small car | 2001 | manual | 75 | golf | 150000 | 6 | gasoline | volkswagen | no | 2016-03-17 00:00:00 | 91074 | 2016-03-17 17:40:17 |
4 | 2016-03-31 17:25:20 | Skoda_Fabia_1.4_TDI_PD_Classic | 3600 | test | small car | 2008 | manual | 69 | fabia | 90000 | 7 | diesel | skoda | no | 2016-03-31 00:00:00 | 60437 | 2016-04-06 10:17:21 |
Now let's investigate wether or not ther is a price discrepancy if cars that have been previously damaged compared to their non_damaged counterparts.
no_yes = ['no', 'yes']
damaged_prices = {}
for i in no_yes:
damage = autos[autos['unrepaired_damage'] == i]
mean_price = damage['price'].mean()
damaged_prices[i] = int(mean_price)
{'no': 7145, 'yes': 2236}
We can see that cars that have been previously damaged are considerable cheaper than those with no damage prior to their listing.
Now we go through the basics of pandas
. The logic behind the process is different when I use R. Try to redo the analysis with R and think about the difference.