Our reference model in this project will be a standard linear regression model, and our machine learning task will be to predict the extent of fire damage to a forest. Our data comes from the Forest Fires dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
This dataset contains information on fires, along with the resulting damage and associated meteorological data. We want to know how these characteristics might be useful in predicting future fire damage.
Let's start by initializing our reference model.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
# Load in the insurance dataset
fires = pd.read_csv("fires.csv")
fires_reference = fires[["wind", "temp", "area"]].dropna()
reference_X = fires_reference[["wind", "temp"]]
reference = LinearRegression()
for col in fires.columns:
num_na = sum(pd.isna(fires[col]))
print(f"The {col} column has {num_na} missing values.")
The Unnamed: 0 column has 0 missing values. The X column has 0 missing values. The Y column has 0 missing values. The month column has 0 missing values. The day column has 0 missing values. The FFMC column has 48 missing values. The DMC column has 21 missing values. The DC column has 43 missing values. The ISI column has 2 missing values. The temp column has 21 missing values. The RH column has 30 missing values. The wind column has 35 missing values. The rain column has 32 missing values. The area column has 0 missing values.
(this output variable is very skewed towards 0.0, thus it may make sense to model with the logarithm transform).
If we looked closely at the fires data on the last screen, we may have noticed that there is a considerable amount of missing data. Before we proceed with any model building or fitting, we should address the missing data first. It's tempting to rush through the data cleaning step, but we emphasize the importance of understanding the data and properly processing it.
Often, the data we have on hand is the only thing we'll get, so we have to make the most of it. The more thoroughly we clean the data, the less frustration we'll experience when we actually perform the modeling. The fires data also contains some date information in the month and day variables. These features are currently strings, so they need to be processed into numerical data before we can use them in a model.
First, we'll convert the month column into a categorical feature. Instead of using the strings, we'll convert it into an indicator for the summer months in the northern hemisphere.
fires.hist("area", bins=30)
array([[<Axes: title={'center': 'area'}>]], dtype=object)
The outcome is highly right-skewed with extremely damaging fires. Furthermore, many of the rows have outcome values that are zero or near-zero. It might be worth it to log-transform the data. Note though that some of the outcomes are actually 0, so we can add 1 to prevent any errors. Recall that $log(0)$ is undefined.
fires["log_area"] = np.log(fires["area"] + 1)
fires.hist("log_area", bins=30)
array([[<Axes: title={'center': 'log_area'}>]], dtype=object)
We can see that performing a log-transformation doesn't produce a bell-shaped distribution, but it does spread out the data a bit more than without the transformation. It's probably the case that most fires do not appreciably damage the forest, so we would be mistaken in removing all of these rows.
Instead of using month
directly, we'll derive another feature called summer
that takes a value of 1 when the fire occurred during the summer. The idea here is that summer months are typically hotter, so fires are more likely.
def is_summer_month(month):
if month in ["jun", "jul", "aug"]:
return 1
return 0
fires["summer"] = [is_summer_month(m) for m in fires["month"]]
For the sake of completion, we'll impute all of the features so that we can have the biggest set to choose from for sequential feature selection. We'll go with K-nearest neighbors imputation since we expect area damage to be similar among similar fires.
from sklearn.impute import KNNImputer
imp = KNNImputer(missing_values = np.nan, n_neighbors=3)
fires_missing = fires[fires.columns[5:13]] # FFMC to rain
imputed = pd.DataFrame(imp.fit_transform(fires_missing),
columns = fires.columns[5:13])
FFMC | DMC | DC | ISI | temp | RH | wind | rain | |
0 | 86.2 | 26.200000 | 94.300000 | 5.1 | 16.6 | 51.0 | 6.700000 | 0.0 |
1 | 90.6 | 56.433333 | 669.100000 | 6.7 | 18.0 | 33.0 | 0.900000 | 0.0 |
2 | 90.6 | 43.700000 | 470.833333 | 6.7 | 14.6 | 33.0 | 1.300000 | 0.0 |
3 | 91.7 | 33.300000 | 77.500000 | 9.0 | 8.3 | 97.0 | 4.000000 | 0.2 |
4 | 89.3 | 51.300000 | 102.200000 | 9.6 | 11.4 | 99.0 | 4.333333 | 0.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
512 | 81.6 | 56.700000 | 665.600000 | 1.9 | 27.8 | 32.0 | 2.700000 | 0.0 |
513 | 81.6 | 56.700000 | 665.600000 | 1.9 | 21.9 | 71.0 | 5.800000 | 0.0 |
514 | 81.6 | 56.700000 | 665.600000 | 1.9 | 21.2 | 70.0 | 6.700000 | 0.0 |
515 | 94.4 | 146.000000 | 614.700000 | 11.3 | 25.6 | 42.0 | 4.000000 | 0.0 |
516 | 79.5 | 3.000000 | 106.700000 | 1.1 | 11.8 | 31.0 | 4.500000 | 0.0 |
517 rows × 8 columns
We'll examine the data for outliers using boxplots:
imputed.boxplot(column=["FFMC", "DMC", "DC", "ISI", "temp", "RH", "wind", "rain"])
<Axes: >
The dots indicate that there are some outliers in the data. Let's examine the number of outliers in each of the columns.
for col in imputed:
quartiles = np.percentile(fires[col], [25, 50, 75])
iqr = quartiles[2] - quartiles[0]
lower_bound = quartiles[0] - (1.5 * iqr)
upper_bound = quartiles[2] + (1.5 * iqr)
num_outliers =sum((imputed[col] < lower_bound) | (imputed[col] > upper_bound))
print(f"The {col} column has {num_outliers} according to the boxplot method.")
The FFMC column has 0 according to the boxplot method. The DMC column has 0 according to the boxplot method. The DC column has 0 according to the boxplot method. The ISI column has 0 according to the boxplot method. The temp column has 0 according to the boxplot method. The RH column has 0 according to the boxplot method. The wind column has 0 according to the boxplot method. The rain column has 0 according to the boxplot method.
Despite the visual cue in the boxplots, based on the actual calculations, there don't seem to be any outliers. In this case, we'll leave the dataset as-is.
Now that the dataset has been inspected for missing values and outliers, we can proceed to standardize it. These standardized values will help for standardization. Afterwards, we'll append the summmer
feature back into the dataset.
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
scaled = scaler.fit_transform(imputed)
scaled = pd.DataFrame(scaled, columns = fires.columns[5:13])
final = pd.concat([fires["summer"], scaled], axis=1)
summer | FFMC | DMC | DC | ISI | temp | RH | wind | rain | |
0 | 0 | -0.812283 | -1.335942 | -1.846711 | -0.860187 | -0.398187 | 0.418726 | 1.514159 | -0.073268 |
1 | 0 | -0.010735 | -0.859009 | 0.509582 | -0.508736 | -0.155493 | -0.715565 | -1.761003 | -0.073268 |
2 | 0 | -0.010735 | -1.059878 | -0.303178 | -0.508736 | -0.744894 | -0.715565 | -1.535130 | -0.073268 |
3 | 0 | 0.189652 | -1.223939 | -1.915580 | -0.003526 | -1.837021 | 3.317471 | -0.010485 | 0.603155 |
4 | 0 | -0.247556 | -0.939988 | -1.814327 | 0.128267 | -1.299625 | 3.443503 | 0.177742 | -0.073268 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
512 | 1 | -1.650265 | -0.854803 | 0.495235 | -1.563087 | 1.543370 | -0.778581 | -0.744573 | -0.073268 |
513 | 1 | -1.650265 | -0.854803 | 0.495235 | -1.563087 | 0.520585 | 1.679050 | 1.005944 | -0.073268 |
514 | 1 | -1.650265 | -0.854803 | 0.495235 | -1.563087 | 0.399238 | 1.616034 | 1.514159 | -0.073268 |
515 | 1 | 0.681511 | 0.553912 | 0.286579 | 0.501683 | 1.161993 | -0.148419 | -0.010485 | -0.073268 |
516 | 0 | -2.032821 | -1.701924 | -1.795880 | -1.738812 | -1.230284 | -0.841597 | 0.271856 | -0.073268 |
517 rows × 9 columns
There are quite a few features in the dataset, so let's use feature selection to determine which features might be useful for generating predictions. This is a purely data-driven approach to choosing a model based on feature importance, so it can help inform our process for creating an intial model that we can improve upon.
from sklearn.feature_selection import SequentialFeatureSelector
y = fires["log_area"]
sfs_model = LinearRegression()
sfs_model2 = LinearRegression()
sfs_model3 = LinearRegression()
forward2 = SequentialFeatureSelector(estimator=sfs_model,
forward4 = SequentialFeatureSelector(estimator=sfs_model2,
forward6 = SequentialFeatureSelector(estimator=sfs_model3,
forward2.fit(final, y)
forward4.fit(final, y)
forward6.fit(final, y)
print("Features selected in 2 feature model:", forward2.get_feature_names_out())
print("Features selected in 4 feature model:", forward4.get_feature_names_out())
print("Features selected in 6 feature model:", forward6.get_feature_names_out())
Features selected in 2 feature model: ['FFMC' 'DC'] Features selected in 4 feature model: ['FFMC' 'DC' 'RH' 'wind'] Features selected in 6 feature model: ['summer' 'FFMC' 'DC' 'ISI' 'RH' 'wind']
backward2 = SequentialFeatureSelector(estimator=sfs_model,
backward4 = SequentialFeatureSelector(estimator=sfs_model,
backward6 = SequentialFeatureSelector(estimator=sfs_model,
backward2.fit(final, y)
backward4.fit(final, y)
backward6.fit(final, y)
print("Features selected in 2 feature model:", backward2.get_feature_names_out())
print("Features selected in 4 feature model:", backward4.get_feature_names_out())
print("Features selected in 6 feature model:", backward6.get_feature_names_out())
Features selected in 2 feature model: ['DC' 'wind'] Features selected in 4 feature model: ['FFMC' 'DC' 'RH' 'wind'] Features selected in 6 feature model: ['summer' 'FFMC' 'DC' 'ISI' 'RH' 'wind']
Based on the features chosen by forward and backward selection, it seems like DC
, wind
and FFMC
seem to be the most impactful on predicting log_area
fw2_model = LinearRegression() # .fit(final[forward2.get_feature_names_out()], y)
fw4_model = LinearRegression() # .fit(final[forward4.get_feature_names_out()], y)
fw6_model = LinearRegression() # .fit(final[forward6.get_feature_names_out()], y)
bw2_model = LinearRegression() # .fit(final[backward2.get_feature_names_out()], y)
bw4_model = LinearRegression() # .fit(final[backward4.get_feature_names_out()], y)
bw6_model = LinearRegression() # .fit(final[backward6.get_feature_names_out()], y)
The models chosen by subset selection are still linear models at heart, and they may not be the best solution to this problem. Despite their widespread utility, some problems have a non-linear component that standard linear regression models can't account for. Think about incorporating some of the more flexible models as candidate models: polynomials and splines.
Remember that this extra flexibility comes at a price: an increased chance of overfitting. Including higher polynomials, more knots, or many features in the model may help with predictive ability on the training set, but we may be setting ourselves up for poor performance on the test set. In the case of many features, we can also turn to regularization to account for this.
Developing candidate models can be a slow process, but it's worth exploring our options as much as we have time for. Many of these models will perform poorly, but this can also give us insight into how we can iterate on and improve them.
Here we will take is using regularized versions of linear regression. Fires have many factors that can increase the damage they have, so it seems unhelpful to restrict our model to a univariate, non-linear model. There are such models; however, they were beyond the scope of the course, but they might be plausible candidates for further next steps.
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV, RidgeCV
ridge = RidgeCV(alphas = np.linspace(1, 10000, num=1000))
lasso = LassoCV(alphas = np.linspace(1, 10000, num=1000))
ridge.fit(final, y)
lasso.fit(final, y)
print("Ridge tuning parameter: ", ridge.alpha_)
print("LASSO tuning parameter: ", lasso.alpha_)
print("Ridge coefficients: ", ridge.coef_)
print("LASSO coefficients: ", lasso.coef_)
Ridge tuning parameter: 1372.2342342342342 LASSO tuning parameter: 10000.0 Ridge coefficients: [-0.01455017 0.01311215 0.02006457 0.02004741 -0.01073465 0.01297049 -0.01489714 0.02670554 0.00816103] LASSO coefficients: [-0. 0. 0. 0. -0. 0. -0. 0. 0.]
The LASSO tuning parameter always seems to be on the extreme. Given that the outcome has many small values, it suggests that having no features at all is better than having any. We'll try to home in on a better tuning parameter value below by choosing a smaller range to pick from.
ridge = RidgeCV(alphas = np.linspace(1000, 1500, num=1000))
ridge.fit(final, y)
print("Ridge tuning parameter: ", ridge.alpha_)
Ridge tuning parameter: 1371.3713713713714
We'll use this value in k-fold cross-validation, rounded to the hundredths place. We'll use a ridge regression and choose not to use a LASSO model here since the regularization results aren't helpful.
Now that we have a few candidate models, let's evaluate all of them using k-fold cross-validation. k-fold cross-validation gives us a better idea about model performance on unseen datasets compared to a single train-test split.
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
reference_cv = cross_val_score(reference, final[["wind", "temp"]], y, cv = 5, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error")
fw2_cv = cross_val_score(fw2_model, final[forward2.get_feature_names_out()], y, cv = 5, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error")
fw4_cv = cross_val_score(fw4_model, final[forward4.get_feature_names_out()], y, cv = 5, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error")
fw6_cv = cross_val_score(fw6_model, final[forward6.get_feature_names_out()], y, cv = 5, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error")
bw2_cv = cross_val_score(bw2_model, final[backward2.get_feature_names_out()], y, cv = 5, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error")
bw4_cv = cross_val_score(bw4_model, final[backward4.get_feature_names_out()], y, cv = 5, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error")
bw6_cv = cross_val_score(bw6_model, final[backward6.get_feature_names_out()], y, cv = 5, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error")
ridge_cv = cross_val_score(ridge, final, y, cv = 5, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error")
print("Reference Model, Avg Test MSE: ", np.mean(reference_cv), " SD: ", np.std(reference_cv))
print("Forward-2 Model, Avg Test MSE: ", np.mean(fw2_cv), " SD: ", np.std(fw2_cv))
print("Forward-4 Model, Avg Test MSE: ", np.mean(fw4_cv), " SD: ", np.std(fw4_cv))
print("Forward-6 Model, Avg Test MSE: ", np.mean(fw6_cv), " SD: ", np.std(fw6_cv))
print("Backward-2 Model, Avg Test MSE: ", np.mean(bw2_cv), " SD: ", np.std(bw2_cv))
print("Backward-4 Model, Avg Test MSE: ", np.mean(bw4_cv), " SD: ", np.std(bw4_cv))
print("Backward-6 Model, Avg Test MSE: ", np.mean(bw6_cv), " SD: ", np.std(bw6_cv))
print("Ridge Model, Avg Test MSE: ", np.mean(bw6_cv), " SD: ", np.std(bw6_cv))
Reference Model, Avg Test MSE: -2.204650013004116 SD: 1.060040355378637 Forward-2 Model, Avg Test MSE: -2.1735431721198535 SD: 1.0208083278697586 Forward-4 Model, Avg Test MSE: -2.193528106772711 SD: 1.0004774710977682 Forward-6 Model, Avg Test MSE: -2.239722553934875 SD: 1.0123323877770343 Backward-2 Model, Avg Test MSE: -2.173357302739327 SD: 1.0038109503795953 Backward-4 Model, Avg Test MSE: -2.193528106772711 SD: 1.0004774710977682 Backward-6 Model, Avg Test MSE: -2.239722553934875 SD: 1.0123323877770343 Ridge Model, Avg Test MSE: -2.239722553934875 SD: 1.0123323877770343
Among our candidate models, the backward selection model using two features performs the best, with an average MSE of -2.17. However, note that this is on the log-scale, so this suggests that the predictions are off by a magnitude of about 2. On the surface, this suggests that the models overall are not good predictors.
However, this problem is known to be a difficult one. The extreme skew in the outcome hurts many of the assumptions needed by linear models. We hope that this showcases that machine learning is not a universal fix. Several problems have characteristics that make prediction difficult.